Can Athletes and Entertainers Keep Divorce Private?

Can Athletes and Entertainers Keep Divorce Private?
March 18, 2025

Divorce is a stressful time. Tempers can flare, and emotions often run high. If the process is not handled sensitively, things can easily get out of hand. The situation is even more critical for a pro athlete or entertainer. Discretion and privacy are vital, and that is what clients can expect when working with experienced divorce attorneys In Cleveland, like the team at the Law Offices Of Cara L. Santosuosso, LLC. When you are concerned about keeping your private matters out of the public eye and away from intense media scrutiny and social media exposure, a collaborative divorce lawyer can help. 

Privacy And Divorce

In general, court filings are made publicly available. This is just a matter of course and the existing way of doing legal business. That means that court filings, related documents and proceedings are accessible to the public unless they are ordered to be sealed by the court for various reasons. To seal divorce records, your divorce attorney will need to demonstrate to the court that making your records public will result in irreparable physical or financial harm and that your need for privacy outweighs any potential public interest. This is certainly an option if a court trial is the best way to handle your divorce. 

That said, there are other options available that are oftentimes more appealing to athletes, entertainers and high-profile entrepreneurs. Alternative ways to end a marriage help these public figures to protect their brand, their privacy, and their rights and assets, while still preserving important relationships. These considerations are vital, because well-known individuals can easily suffer from a damaged reputation and their family can be subjected to unwelcome inquiry and even harassment. Keeping divorce proceedings as private as possible protects everyone involved while also preserving existing income streams and their established brand.

Alternatives to A Court Trial

If you prefer to keep your divorce private, the most reliable option is to handle the proceedings outside of a court trial. This also makes for a more cooperative, less combative approach to ending your marriage. You and your divorce lawyer will still interact with a judge at times for required hearings and to finalize your divorce, but these alternatives present lower stress and more private ways to resolve your situation. If you have children, staying out of court also spares them the related trauma and avoids unwanted public exposure. All in all, keeping your divorce out of court is recommended for every couple, but it is especially vital in the case of a celebrity athlete or entertainer.

Collaborative Divorce

With two willing participants and an experienced and trained divorce attorney, collaborative divorce is a winning alternative to a court trial. Privacy is preserved through informal meetings that only include the parties involved, a collaborative divorce lawyer, and any relevant third party professional who may need to offer their expert opinion. These individuals can include financial advisors, psychologists, child-centered professionals, mediators, and others. Collaborative divorce moves at the couple’s pace, and so is not reliant on court deadlines. It also creates an atmosphere that allows for greater flexibility and creativity than is typically afforded in a court trial. When you have children at home, and child custody or spousal and child support and shared parenting are on the table, the time and space to be creative when solving for the best outcome is vital. 


Opting for mediation instead of a court trial is a good alternative route for couples looking to divorce, whether they are celebrities or not. From child custody and support arrangements to division of assets and more, a skilled mediator can step in to ensure that all parties are treated fairly while also working to efficiently resolve matters. The best part of mediation is that it helps to promote and preserve amicable relationships, especially among parents, which helps them to have better relations with their children and each other. Mediation also spares families the contention and hostility that can come with a court trial, as mediators are able to help everyone involved to see each others’ perspectives, communicate, and find common ground. Above all else, mediation is also a private way to end a marriage.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is an umbrella term that encompasses various techniques of resolving a dispute that avoids litigation. ADR is used to help spouses who may need assistance to come to an agreement about their divorce, custody, or support arrangements. It is handled outside of the courtroom and can thus help to minimize harm to the family while also improving overall outcomes. Mediation, discussed above, is one form of ADR, but there are many others available to divorcing couples. ADR is a confidential, somewhat informal, less stressful approach to divorce.

Divorce Considerations for Athletes and Entertainers

As a high-profile public figure, your needs surrounding divorce are unique. From seasonal, inconsistent and widely varied income streams, to questions surrounding frequent relocation and time spent on the road, there are countless factors to consider. It takes a skilled partner to ensure that your parental rights and assets are protected during your divorce proceedings. An experienced collaborative divorce lawyer will also be able to work effectively with your advisers and management team to create a comprehensive game plan for visitation and shared parenting. Together you can find ways to preserve your relationship with your children while still meeting the demands of your career.

Consult With A Collaborative Divorce Lawyer In Cleveland

Divorce can be one of the most difficult and stressful times in your life. When you also have to juggle a public-facing career and worry about details of your private life ending up in front page news, a private divorce becomes a must-have.

With help from our experienced team of collaborative divorce lawyers in Cleveland, you can be sure that your rights, interests, and relationships are protected and that the process will be as streamlined and discreet as possible. Contact the Law Offices Of Cara L. Santosuosso, LLC today to learn how we can help to keep your divorce out of the prying eyes of the public and the media–schedule your consultation online.