Our Blog

Explore our blog for expert advice and updates on family law. Whether you're dealing with divorce, custody, or mediation, our posts offer insights and guidance to help you make informed decisions.

  • How Does Private Adoption Work?
    October 11, 2022
    Life circumstances could mean that a child in your family is left without a responsible custodian. As a trusted Cleveland adoption attorney and family lawyer, we have vast experience in this arena and are ready to help you understand how private adoption can be a viable solution.
  • What Are Unmarried Fathers' Rights in Ohio?
    July 20, 2022
    At the Law Offices Of Cara L. Santosuosso, LLC, we understand how important it is for fathers and children to maintain a strong, healthy relationship. As a child custody attorney in Ohio, it is our goal to help unmarried fathers facilitate legal means to spend time with their children.
  • Parent holding hands of child
    July 7, 2022
    Most parents seek to protect the safety and best interest of children during a divorce or custody battle, it can sometimes be difficult to prove to a court that sole custody is the correct decision. In the end, everyone–lawyer, judge, and parent–wants what is best for the child. Being prepared and having an experienced child custody attorney on your team can greatly increase your success.
  • Person preparing for divorce mediation with divorce lawyers
    May 16, 2022
    By the time you decide on divorce, you’ve likely already traversed a rocky, painful road. If children are involved, the way that you and your spouse handle the divorce process can have a lasting impact on their well being. Besides taking a more streamlined and measured approach, divorce mediation is also an opportunity to conserve limited funds and come to a smoother resolution.
  • Parenting coordinator talking to a couple and their child
    April 14, 2022
    A relatively new practice in family law, parenting coordination is a provision that can help families to resolve child custody disputes both during and after a divorce. A parenting coordinator brings in a neutral viewpoint and can help to reduce conflict while ensuring that established parental rights and responsibilities remain intact. With this skilled advice at the ready, parents can limit the potential for conflict, both during divorce and into the future.
  • Couple working out spousal support & child support agreements
    March 21, 2022
    How will a dependent spouse and any children be able to live comfortably after a divorce? Spousal support and child support are the answer, and we’re going to share what you need to know about these two types of support in Ohio.
  • Couple working out a property split during a divorce
    February 21, 2022
    During a marriage, a couple inevitably acquires an array of real estate, tangible property and other assets. The Law Offices Of Cara L. Santosuosso, LLC understand the importance of fair and equitable property division. We are ready to help you navigate this complex issue and achieve the best outcome for your circumstances.
  • Parent with child looking out at a landscape
    January 13, 2022
    The Law Offices Of Cara L. Santosuosso, LLC understand the legal challenges that unmarried mothers and fathers face when it comes to figuring out how best to care for their children. And as child custody lawyers, we’re here to help.
  • Couple being offered a divorce agreement
    December 21, 2021
    If you and your spouse have reached a point where you both feel that it’s best to move on, Ohio law offers several ways to end your marriage. Two of the most common options are divorce and dissolution. And while they both result in termination of a marriage, there are definite legal differences between divorce and dissolution. We’ll get into what you generally need to know, but for more detailed, case-specific advice, consulting with a qualified Cleveland divorce lawyer is your best bet.